Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Darajat Geothermal Power Plants


Darajat Geothermal Power Plants (a.k.a. PLTP Darajat), is a power plants that use geothermal as an energy source, which is geothermal energy that processed into
electrical energy.

PLTP Darajat has operated three generating units, the latest is Darajat Unit 3. Three units of PLTP Darajat producing 110 MW total of electrical energy, it was connected into the Java-Bali interconnection system.

PLTP Darajat located in District 3 Pasirwangi, Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Its owned by Chevron Geothermal Indonesia and PT Pertamina (Persero). Darajat unit 1 (55 MW) and unit 2 (94 MW) are already in operation. With the addition of the 3rd units, today PLTP Darajat which is operated by the company based in California, was able to produce 259 MW total of electrical energy.

Darajat unit 3 is the largest geothermal energy project in the world that enrolled in the Clean Development Mechanism programs (CDM), an instrument of the Kyoto Protocol to encourage implementation of the reduction from the greenhouse gas impact of production activities. Data from the Department of Energy said the geothermal potential spread in Indonesia reached 27,140 MW. However, the total installed capacity reached 852 MW. Production target in 2025 reached 9500 MW.

Today, around the Darajat area also used as a recreation spot. There's many facilities that support the travelling and tourism activity, such as outbond, flyng fox, hot swimming pool, etc. And please do not forget the agriculture activity around the location is very-very awesome, what an erotic place, so natural. I think you should try this one.


1 komentar:

  1. Benar sekali, saat ini kawasan Darajat, kec.Pasirwangi, Garut, menjadi daya tarik sendiri terutama untuk kawasan wisatanya.
    Terkadang, ketika hari libur, daerah ini pasti sangat padat. Apalagi ketika liburan panjang seperti lebaran atau tahun baru, kawasan ini sangat macet. Bahkan biasanya perjalanan dari Darajat menuju Garut bisa dicapai hanya 45 menit, ketika liburan bisa mencapai 4-6 jam lamanya karena macet.
    Semoga pemkab Garut bisa segera mengatasi masalah tersebut secepatnya...


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